Book Review: How to Beat Magnus Carlsen by Cyrus Lakdawala
IM Cyrus Lakdawala is prodigiously good at publishing books and always seems to find titles that most club players at a bookstall would browse if not buy outright. We all have been his victims at some time or other if you are a typical tournament chessplayer. We lose a chess game then flock to a bookstall buying opening books, middlegame strategy and endgame tomes like it would have made a difference. His latest book is no exception given that it is a book that supposedly teaches the reader how to beat the world chess champion and strongest-ever chess player by Elo. It is very curious that the book kicks off with a chapter about how Magnus avoids loss by either a win or draw, which seemed a rather strange way to delve into his defeats given the book's title. Another curious fact is that Magnus Carlsen now owns New in Chess so this book is about the owner of their book publishing company and may explain the curious first chapter. As you know with my reviews I don't necessarily...