The Beautiful Blunder
I had a horrific day on Lichess, you could self inflicted, I'd posted some forum posts and got bullied by some Lichess users who thought my thoughts were inconsequential and so I stopped using the forum temporarily while the bullies choose another victim and started watching tournament leaders in 5 min blitz Arena. I saw the most audacious move I've ever seen. The move was 15...Bd3+ It's ridiculously audacious decadent overambitious whimsical and pompously brilliant. Chess has the power to make me happy 😊 even after being bullied on Lichess Forum, like wow. Of course the move is a high class blunder because white should play 16.Nf6+ and come out with the edge but white didn't in the actual game. The beguiling 15...Bd3+ mesmerising mercilessly and leading white to follow the line 16.Bxd3 Nb4, even now 17.Kxb2 is not forced and not as bad but in for the penny in for the pound. It's a beautifully stunning blunder. Check out the full game on Lichess.